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Exhibition: Hansheng Magazine and Chinese Crafts



The exhibition “Hansheng Magazine and Chinese Crafts”, supervised by Subsequence’s chief editor, Kosuke Ide, opens on 25 November at Kogei-Seika in Kagarazuka. Ide will be joining the talk event as a speaker on the opening day of the exhibition.

Hansheng is a legendary magazine based in Beijing, China, and Taiwan, that has been continued to be published under the same editor since its founding 50 years ago.

The magazine has covered a whole plethora of topics from handicrafts—like textile dyeing and ceramics—architecture, cooking, festivals, and Chinese folk culture such as paper cutting, braiding, and kites. With their policy of covering one topic per issue, the hard work of their thorough reportage and their skilled editors has seen the magazine publish over 130 issues.

At the exhibition, not only will there be a look into Hansheng’s back issues, but with the help of Natural Indigo Watanabe—who have continuously supported and introduced a Japanese audience to Chinese crafts, such as ‘lan yin hua bu’ indigo cotton fabric, since the ‘70s—the exhibition will have a range of Chinese handicrafts produced chiefly in the ‘70s and ‘80s for sale including dyed fabrics and other goods.

We hope that this exhibition will help to show the passion and the hard work of those people who have continued to keep folk crafts culture alive in China and in Japan.

“Hansheng Magazine and Chinese Crafts”
Dates: 25 – 29 November 2022
Opening Hours: 13:00 – 20:00
Venue: Kogei-Seika
Issuiryō (Kagurazaka), 31-13, Yokodera-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

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Current Issue

volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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