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Ai Hirano: Moving Days in KCUA



Photo: Ai Hirano

Almost everyone moves house at least once in their lives and photographer Ai Hirano has recorded and captured the stories of this important life event. Last year, Kyoto City University of Arts moved from its Kutsukake campus in Nishikyo ward to its new location on the east side of Kyoto Station. Hirano was invited to the move and photographed the simultaneously excited and anxious looks of students and faculty alike as they undertook this huge project. The photographs from this project are currently on exhibition at Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA looking out over Shichijo Street. Visit the new campus in the heart of the city and see the photographs that speak of its journey there.

Venue: Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA
Dates: June 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024, 10:00 am–6:00 pm
Closed on Mondays except national holidays (open on July 15, closed on July 16)
Free admission
Organized by: Kyoto City University of Arts (KCUA Open Call Exhibition)

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Current Issue

volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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