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Poster of Nathalie Du Pasquier (Printed by Colpa Press)

Text: Mayumi Yamase


I visited “Colpa Press” when I was helping to buy zines in San Francisco a few years ago. Headed by Luca Antonucci and David Kasprzak, this company publishes, prints, and designs, and since 2016 has also hosted the San Francisco Art Book Fair. The studio was located in the basement, a little off the main street in the Mission District, and the inside was surprisingly spacious, with an impressive pile of over 3,000 VHS stacks in a living room-like space. 

They showed me the prints and books they had been working on, and when I saw a poster of my favorite artist, Nathalie Du Pasquier, I was so excited that I forgot I was buying.

It was an AP (Artist Print), and later, I found one of the prints in the package they sent me. I was so happy, and although it was originally a set of six, this one filled my heart with joy. I displayed it on the wall of the stairs I often pass.

Colpa Press

Mayumi Yamase (Artist, Writer)
Born in Tokyo in 1986. Spent her childhood in the U.S. and studied in the U.K. during her high school years. Graduated from the University of the Arts London. She currently lives and works in Tokyo.

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Current Issue

volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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