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Book / Paris Animal



Livestock, foodstuff, circus performer, means of transport, wild beast, pet—animals have inhabited a variety of forms in their long history alongside urbanite humans. France’s Pavilion de l’Arsenal—a center in Paris which runs exhibitions on architecture and urban planning—has published Paris Animal, a book which seeks to unravel the both the makeup of our cities and the changing relationship between humans and animals from the Middle Ages until the modern day. It’s a beautiful reference piece full of illustrations, sketches, photos, and maps that illustrates the changing social background with each era. It may also help us in considering how to create a future society in which humans and animals can live side by side. It is a fascinating book that offers a fresh look at nature and society from the perspective of animals.

Paris animal: Histoire et récits d’une ville vivante 
Authors: Hemri Bony & Léa Mosconi
Publisher: Pavilion de L’Arsenal (2023)

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volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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