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Keiichi Sumi 『tinker anthology 2000-2022』



Keiichi Sumi has spent over twenty years utilizing tools and materials from across the globe and from various eras in creating his unique artistic objects. To celebrate this phase of his illustrious career, MUJI BOOKS are publishing tinker, a photo collection of his work. The book features an essay Subsequence chief editor Kosuke Ide titled “Chaos and Cosmos”

Most of Sumi’s creations don’t appear to have a purpose, seeming to be nothing more than useless decorations, but you can really feel not only a sense of playfulness but also a smart, critical edge from these beautiful pieces. Alongside the works are comments from Sumi explaining the creative process to make for a fascinating and beautiful collection.

『tinker anthology 2000-2022』
Keiichi Sumi 
Publisher: MUJI BOOKS (Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.)

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Current Issue

volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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