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Searching for Things by the Water’s Edge



Everything in this world seems to be treated as disposable—created and used as quickly, easily, and cheaply as possible. This book about the “disposable-ification of the world” is narrated from the perspective behind the counter of a “zakkaya” (daily goods store), somewhere that could be labeled as the frontlines of this process. This is the third book by Mishina (the owner of Ogikubo Fall who contributed an essay for the third issue of Subsequence), and in it his perceptive eye and writing style are more refined than ever before—once you start reading, you’ll find it difficult to stop. Carefully placed moments of Mishina’s bashfulness and humor guide us along and help us bring the hidden facets about modern society out into the light.

Searching for Things by the Water’s Edge
By Teruoki Mishina
Published by Shobunsha

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volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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