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Introduction to Field Recording



“Field recording” refers to audio recording that is carried out in locations outside of a studio, for example in environments like the city or the forest. Eisuke Yanasigawa’s “Introduction to Field Recording” delves into Yanagisawa’s own pursuit of sound and why he first began making recordings, the history of field recording, how to use recording equipment as well as the story of how it became accessible to the masses in the 21st century, and his own recording experiences in various locations including recording folk music in Vietnam. With an additional CD and information booklet included for beginners to field recording, this is a multi-faceted introduction to the practice.

What is music? What is a track? What does it mean to really listen? From the jumping point of field recording, this book helps the reader to pay attention to the sounds which surround that which we call “music” as well as to reconsider the frameworks regarding sound. 

Introduction to Field Recording: Meeting the World Within Vibrations

Author: Eisuke Yanagisawa @eisuke_yanagisawa
Publisher: Film Art, Inc. @filmartsha
Price: 2,400 JPY + tax

Sample Recordings


Path of the Wind(Gruenrekorder)@gruenrekorder

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Current Issue

volume 07

Bilingual Japanese and English
260 × 372mm 160P

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